Bridport Sand (Cotswold Sands)
Early Jurassic (Toarcian)
Jurassic |
Lias |
Bridport Sand |
Grey, weathering yellow or brown, micaceous silt, very fine-grained sand and fine-grained sand, locally with calcite-cemented sandstone beds and lenses, variably sandy clay/mudstone at base.
Upper Boundary
Non sequential; base of lowest limestone (commonly sandy) of the Inferior Oolite Group resting on sand/silt or mudstone (as in the Lithological Description), or on "[Cotswold] Cephalopod Bed" (sandy and argillaceous, ironshot commonly fossiliferous limestone) in the Worcester Basin area.
Lower Boundary
Base of sand/silt or mudstone, as described in the lithological description, with a gradational boundary with mudstone of the Whitby Mudstone Formation.
Representative Sites
Coaley Wood Quarry
Robinswood Hill Summit
Information on lithology and boundaries taken from the British Geological Survey Lexicon of Named Rock Units |