Gloucestershire Geology Trust


Gloucestershire RIGS Designation

[Completed: March 2008, Supported by Defra’s Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund]

The aim of this project was to identify, survey, photograph and validate between 30 - 40 RIGS in Gloucestershire, at least 75 percent of which will be either working or disused aggregate sites or located in geological formations that would have been used for aggregates at other locations within the county.

A number of the new RIGS are particularly important and need further detailed study and scientific analysis. Many sites have added to our scientific understanding of the geological history of area,  Huntley Hill Cutting in particular, has provided a new, previously unknown major fold, and Cowslait Grove where a rare sequence of swallow holes was discovered.

A free leaflet has been produced, designed to explain what RIGS are, how they are surveyed and awarded RIGS status
and what this designation means for the site. The leaflet also explains why recording RIGS is important, and how people
can get involved.

Contact GGT for more details on 01452 864438 or

Gloucestershire Geoconservation Trust.  Registered Charity Number: 1115272. © 2024 All Rights Reserved.