Pennant Sandstone
Late Carboniferous (Westphalian)
Carboniferous |
Warwickshire |
Pennant Sandstone |
Green-grey and blue-grey, feldspathic, micaceous, lithic arenites ("Pennant" sandstones) of southerly provenance, with thin mudstone/siltstone and seatearth interbeds and mainly thin coals; the lithologies are commonly arranged in fining-upwards channel-fill sequences. .
Upper Boundary
The top is placed at the base of the Grovesend Formation (base of Brazilly Seam), where the coal lies between massive "Pennant" sandstones and the grey mudstones of the overlying Grovesend Formation.
Lower Boundary
The base of the Formation is placed at the base of the Coleford High Delf seam, overlying the Trenchard Group.
Representative Sites
Wimberry Quarries
Meezy Hurst
Bixhead Quarries
Dark Hill Quarries
Information on lithology and boundaries taken from the British Geological Survey Lexicon of Named Rock Units
and BGS Memoirs. |