Gloucestershire Geology Trust


Sites Database & GIS
(Supported by Natural England through Defra's Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund)

The number of site records held in the Geological Records Centre is now in excess of 300, but we realise that there are still major gaps in our records. Most notably, these relate to Quaternary deposits and features, including soils, geomorphology and fluvial sites.

This project aims to

  • Identify an "A List" of sites and features in the county - those sites which provide the best examples of specific formations and features.
  • Make this "A List" available to everyone via this website.
  • Identify what features and formations are missing from the records, or are currently poorly represented in the records.
  • Compile a 'wish list' of formations and features that should appear in the county for future research and recording.

It is intended that this project can lead on to another project which will actually record the sites and features identified, and carry out condition monitoring and re-assessment of sites recorded early on in the RIGS database for Gloucestershire. Some of these sites were first surveyed over ten years ago now, and many changes may have occurred since then, both to the site itself, and within the records with new sites being added that may supersede the earlier ones.


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Gloucestershire Geoconservation Trust.  Registered Charity Number: 1115272. © 2024 All Rights Reserved.