Trenchard Sandstone
Late Carboniferous (Westphalian)
Carboniferous |
Warwickshire |
Trenchard Sandstone |
Grey or pinkish grey quartzose sandstone. Quartzose conglomerate beds are common at the base of the formation, increasing in thickness and clast size towards the north.
Upper Boundary
Taken at the base of the lowermost sandstone of "Pennant"- type (lithic arenite) of the Pennant Sandstone Formation, resting conformably above coarse-grained sandstone of the Trenchard Formation. This is a significant change to the Trotter (1942), who included all strata below the Coleford High Delf as part of his Trenchard Group.
Lower Boundary
The basal conglomerate of the Trenchard Formation rests unconformably upon the quartzitic sandstone of the Cromhall Sandstone Formation (Drybrook Sandstone).
Representative Sites
Puddlebrook Quarry (basal conglomerate)
Meezy Hurst
Nagshead Plantation
Information on lithology and boundaries taken from the British Geological Survey Lexicon of Named Rock Units
and BGS Memoirs. |